
Reports - Daily Occupancy, Arrivals, and Departures

This article will show you how to best interpret and use the information provided on the Daily Occupancy, Arrivals and Departures report.

Report Summary 

  • This report lists the total occupancy percentage, arrivals and departures by day over the specified date range. 
  • The categories on this report are Date, Total Occupancy Percent, Arrivals, Departures
  • Report can be downloaded in CSV version. 
  • Admin Holds are not included in the occupied sites number. Admin Hold are counted under the Unavailable Sites category. 
  • Total Occupancy Percent is calculated as follows:  number of occupied sites divided by number of available sites. Unavailable sites represent Admin holds and there for aren’t occupied and are not factored into the Total Occupancy Percent calculation. 
  • Site Types in the 'Other' Category are not included in this report. 
  • The image below show an example of this report over a 3 day date range 
    Screen Shot 2022-09-26 at 14.25.59

Common Report Uses

  • View the number of arrivals and departures that are expected for a specified date range to help campground staff prepare.  
  • Compare occupancy percentage as well as arrivals and departures for specified date ranges. 

Reports to Compare With or Supplemental Reports 

  • Revenue and Occupancy by Site Type 
  • Daily Revenue and Occupancy by Site 
  • Arrivals
  • Departures