Customers tab

Customers: What's on the Page?

The Customers page allows you to search for, view, and merge any guest profile.


Campspot's Customer Page streamlines guest profile control with quick searches, easy access, and a convenient Merge feature. Effortlessly consolidate profiles, remove duplicates, and manage reservation histories. While ensuring precision, be mindful of irreversible actions and user account restrictions. Campspot empowers you to efficiently navigate and optimize guest profiles with ease.

Customer_Whats on the Page?

Manage Guest Profiles

The Customers page simplifies guest profile management, allowing search, view, and effortless merging of profiles.

Pro Tip on Searching:

When searching on the Customers page, it employs a "contains" filter and defaults to sorting results by Last Name. For instance, if you search for a First Name of “Le”, entries with "le" in the first name will appear at the top, sorted by Last Name.

Accessing Guest Profiles:

Easily pull up guest profiles by clicking anywhere on the row or checking the box and clicking the Edit button.

Merge Customer

The Merge button is available when exactly two guest profiles are selected. Merging a guest profile removes duplicate profiles, combines camp or user credit and consolidates reservation histories between two profiles.

Learn more about how to Merge Guest Profiles, here.