Reporting 101: Commonly Used Reports
Below, learn about the reports that are commonly used by parks to help day-to-day operations. The recommended reports are separated by category.
Pricing Reports
Base Prices for Campsites:
This report shows current active nightly rates (referred to as “base rates”) for all RV, tent, lodging, and other site types. This is the report you will pull to not only see your nightly pricing, but also change and update for current or upcoming seasons. To learn more about how this report works read here and to learn about updating your nightly rates read here.
Reservation Reports
Reservation Item Originations by Date & Source:
This report is often used to determine which bookings were made online vs. over the phone by your park. If this report is of interest to your park, it is recommended to schedule it to be emailed to you each morning for the previous day’s activity.
Reservation History:
This report shows any reservation edits, including site changes, transfers, optimizations, cancellations, when the reservation was confirmed and more. The Action column (column F) shows the action that took place. This column can be filtered in the CSV version of the report if you would like to look at specific actions across a number of reservations.
Invoice History:
The Invoice History report shows all changes that have happened to any invoice over a given time including payments, refunds, added or remove charges and more. These changes also show directly on a reservation invoice, however, the report is helpful because it allows you to look at a wide date range all one time rather than searching for a specific reservation through the Booking page.
Rent Roll (Reporting Service):
This report lists all tent, RV, lodging, other site, and add-on reservations that overlap with the specified date range for parks within the organization. Please note: there are multiple Rent Roll reports but the (Reporting Service) version does include payments and balance information and the others do not. Information provided in the Rent Roll (Reporting Service) can help give insight into reservation trends on a per-reservation basis.
For example:
Number of Nights (Column H): This can help you to calculate your average stay length over a certain time frame. You could also use this information to look at how many longterm or transient reservations you have.
Origination Date (Column C): This can help you to look at revenue pacing. You can sort by this column and see when the majority of your bookings (over a given date range) were originally booked. This is helpful when looking at an entire season.
Reservation Charges (Column Q): These charges are then broken out in the following five columns. This information will help show you what your reservation charges/fees trends are.
Payment Reports
Payments by User:
Payments by User shows all payments categorized by Campspot User Login over the specified date range. If drawers need to be counted down at the end of the night, this report is helpful.
Total Payments Received:
Total Payments Received summarizes the total value of all payment types (cash, check, credit card, etc) received over the date range specified when pulling the report. This report provides the total and does not break down by individual transaction.
Invoice Payment by Type:
The Invoice Payment by Type report is the detailed version of the Total Payments Received report. This report displays every transaction that took place over the specified date range when pulling the report. Each transaction is shows the CSR that processed the payment and indicates whether it was for a POS transaction or for a reservation. Positive transactions indicate payments and negative transactions indicate refunds.
When reconciling credit card transactions (looking at statements from Card Connect) you can use this report to easily see where payments came from and can connect that back to the specific reservation.
Accounting Reports
Journal Entry Cash Basis OR Journal Entry Accrual Basis (depending on your accounting setup):
Journal Entries are used to create entries in your accounting program. These reports are created based on the current GL accounts that have been created and mapped in Campspot. To learn more about Journal Entries and determining which one is right for your park [READ HERE].
Journal Entry/Accounting reports are retroactive which means that changes can be made to the mapping of the financial account mapping in Campspot and the changes will reflect on the Journal Entry report if it is pulled again. If these type of changes occur, the dollar amounts will move with the corresponding accounts.
Audit Trail Report (Reporting Service):
The Audit Trail reports shows all invoice charges and payments that make up the Accrual Journal Entry for the specified date range. This report is helpful if you need to see detail or reconcile your Accrual Basis Journal Entries.
Journal Entry Construction (Cash Basis):
This report shows how the Cash Basis Journal Entry was constructed for the specified period of time. This report is similar to the Audit Trail but for Cash Basis accounting and can be used to view detail or reconcile your Cash Basis Journal Entries.
Financial Account Mappings:
This report is often used during account setup or at the time your park begins Custom Financial Account Mapping. This report shows us all the accounts can be mapped in Campspot (based on your park's current setup) and where to find that item in Campspot in order to make mapping changes. To learn more about about Financial Accounts in Campspot visit [THIS LINK].
Front Desk Reports
This report can be pulled from the Front Desk as well as the Reporting page. The Front Desk only allows you to pull the report for one day at a time so if you prefer to see a longer period of time (for example a busy holiday weekend) it is recommended that you access this through Reporting.
This report can be pulled from the Front Desk as well as the Reporting page. The Front Desk only allows you to pull the report for one day at a time so if you prefer to see a longer period of time (for example a busy holiday weekend) it is recommended that you access this through Reporting.
Current Guest List:
This report can be pulled from the Front Desk as well as the Reporting page. On the Front Desk this information exists under Who's in the Park. Guest information included email address is provided on this report and therefore it can be used to create a mail merge. This report also shows your park's total occupancy over the specified date range.
This report allows you to view all cancellations that occurred over the specified date range. You will see the reservation confirmation number as well as any cancellation fees that were applied. The CSV version of this report shows what the expected revenue for the cancelled reservation was.
Additional Reservation and Guest Notes:
This report can be pulled by stay date or by note date. If your park uses notes frequently, this report provides a summary of all notes in one place.
Revenue Reports
Revenue Summary by Site Type:
The Revenue Summary reports shows revenue by the day the reservation occurred. This report shows reservation charges which are often different than payments taken in that same time frame. This is a great report to help provide an easy visual of revenue as it can be run for future months to see how current bookings affect revenue.
Point of Sale Reports
POS Daily Sales Report by Item:
The POS Daily Sales Report is helpful in determining total sales broken down by item for a specified date range. This will help your park to get insight into sales trends and opportunities.
POS Inventory At/Below Reorder Point:
This report is helps parks to keep track of their inventory items that need to be reordered based on their inventory level. The order status, last vendor used, and a suggested order quantity are included for each product. To get a more accurate suggested order quantity, the reorder quantity needs to be adjusted in the item details found in the Point of Sale tab.
POS Sales and Inventory Report:
The POS Sales and Inventory Report provides an overview of POS sales over a given period as well as the changes to inventory levels that occurred as a result of the sales.
To learn more about Reporting visit our Reporting 101: Best Practices & Tips article.