Enterprise Application
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Campspot Enterprise: User Management

Learn the efficient management of user roles and permissions in Enterprise, focusing on User Management of Roles and Users to optimize collaboration and operational effectiveness.


The Enterprise User Management feature offers organizations with 2 or more parks a streamlined approach to managing user roles and permissions. With seamless integration into Campspot's platform, Enterprise empowers users to create and manage roles, assign permissions, and efficiently manage user access across all aspects of their campground operations. Whether adding new users, updating permissions, or customizing roles per park, Enterprise provides the tools needed to ensure smooth collaboration and optimized operations.

User Management in Enterprise: A Comprehensive Overview

In the User Management section of Enterprise, you'll have the power to set up and manage your organization's users' roles and permissions. This feature offers seamless integration with Campspot's platform, allowing you to streamline user access and permissions across all aspects of your campground operations.

Feature Overview:

  • Roles Management: Access the Roles homepage to view a comprehensive list of all roles created for your organization. Filter roles by active/inactive status or search for specific roles by name. Create new roles, assign names and descriptions, and select specific permissions to be associated with each role. Permissions cover functionalities across the Campspot platform, including the Enterprise application.

  • User Management: Manage your organization's users efficiently by adding new users, updating user access to parks, modifying user roles and permissions, and deactivating users when necessary. The User homepage provides a user-friendly interface to filter users by park, park group, user name, and active/inactive status. Additionally, easily export the full user list into an Excel file for further analysis.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Creating Roles:

  1. Navigate to the Roles page within the Roles section.
  2. Click on the "Create New Role" button.
  3. Provide a name and brief description for the new role.
  4. Click Add New Role
  5. Select specific permissions to be associated with the role, ensuring that it aligns with the responsibilities and access requirements of users within your organization.
  6. Save the new role to apply it across your campground operations.

Please Note:

  • Roles created under Enterprise User Management are not visible in each park's Admin Site.
  • In the Enterprise setup, New User Permissions empower users to seamlessly add others to the Enterprise setup pages.

Add and Manage Users:

Add New User

  1. Access the User page within the Users section.
  2. Click Add New User in the right corner.
  3. Complete the New User form providing first and last name, email address, and status (Active or Inactive).
  4. Click Add New User.
  5. Assign Park Access:
    1. Click Edit.
    2. Select Organization, Park Groups and/or Individual Parks.
    3. Click Save Changes.
  6. Assign Roles:
    1. Select the roles created with the Enterprise Application.
  7. Customize Roles by Park:
    1. If users need access to multiples parks, you have the capability to customize User role access within each park.

Please Note:

  1. To ensure access to assigned parks, users must customize roles as outlined in step 7 above.
  2. Once users have been added to a park, the roles assigned will only be visible in the Enterprise Application.
  3. Upon onboarding to the Enterprise Application feature, User Management of each property will only be accessible through the Enterprise Application.

Manage Users

  1. Access the User page within the Users section.
  2. Use the filtering options to locate specific users based on park, park group, user name, or active/inactive status.
  3. Click on User. 
    1. Update user access to parks, roles, and permissions as needed to ensure alignment with organizational requirements.
    2. Deactivate users who no longer require access to the system, maintaining security and access control.

    Please Note:

    • Current Users will not have the existing roles and permissions visibly assigned in the Enterprise Application. However, the existing roles and permissions are still applicable until updated in the Enterprise Application.
    • Once a role(s) has been assigned in the Enterprise Application, the assigned roles and permissions are only visible or editable within the application, not in each park's Admin Site.