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Campspot Enterprise: Date Groups

Learn how Enterprise's Date Group rule setup feature streamlines stay date management, ensuring accurate rule application for optimized campground operations.


Explore how Enterprise's Date Group rule setup feature empowers enterprise users to efficiently manage Date Groups across their entire portfolio. Seamlessly add, edit, and manage Date Groups to ensure rules are accurately applied during specific time frames, optimizing campground operations and guest experiences.

Date Groups in Enterprise: A Comprehensive Overview

The Date Group rule setup feature in Enterprise provides users with a streamlined approach to managing stay dates for rules within their organization. This essential component ensures that rules are accurately applied during specific time frames, optimizing campground operations and guest experiences.

Integration and Distinctions from Campspot Admin:

  • In Enterprise, Date Groups allow users to view a comprehensive list of all active and inactive Date Groups for their organization. This includes details such as the name of the Date Group, Start Date, End Date, and Status.
  • Users can add new Date Groups and edit existing ones directly from the Enterprise interface. Any edits made to a Date Group will instantly propagate to all active rules associated with that specific date group.
  • While Date Groups function similarly in Campspot Admin, the setup and deactivation processes may appear slightly different in Enterprise. However, the core functionality remains consistent across both platforms.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Accessing Date Groups:

    1. Navigate to the Date Group section within Enterprise.
    2. Here, you'll find a list of all active and inactive Date Groups for your organization, along with essential details such as Start Date, End Date, and Status.

Please Note:

  • Upon onboarding with the Enterprise Application, existing Date Groups for each individual park will not be visible in this list. Only the Date Groups created in the Enterprise Application will be visible.
  • Managing existing Date Groups for individual properties is still available within each Admin Site.

Adding a New Date Group:

    1. Click on the "Add New Date Group" button.
    2. Enter the necessary details, including the name of the Date Group, Start Date, and End Date.
    3. Save the Date Group to apply it to your campground rules.

Please Note:

  • Unlike your Admin Site, an End Date is required for Date Groups in the Enterprise Application.

Editing Existing Date Groups (including updating Status):

    1. Click on the Date Group.
    2. Click on the "Edit" button.
    3. Update the relevant information as needed, such as adjusting the Start Date, End Date, or name of the Date Group along with updating the status between Active and Inactive.
    4. Save your changes to ensure they are applied across all associated rules.

By utilizing the Date Group rule setup feature in Enterprise, users can effectively manage stay dates for rules, ensuring accurate application and optimized campground operations.