Getting Started

Ensure Seamless Communication: Avoid Marking Campspot Emails as Spam

Protect Your Communication Channels and Stay Informed 📧

📢 Public Service Announcement: Be careful not to mark any Campspot emails as spam.📢

If you mark any Campspot email as spam, you will be removing yourself from receiving all park communication emails from, including critical updates, feature releases, marketing opportunities, and other important communications directly from Campspot.

When managing your email inbox, it's crucial to understand the broader implications of marking Campspot emails as spam. Beyond impacting promotional messages, this action can disrupt essential communication channels and deprive you of valuable insights and opportunities, such as:

  • 📥 BCC emails: An optional setting to receive BCC emails from your Admin Site.
  • 🔒 Verification emails: Ensure the security and integrity of your account by receiving verification messages promptly from your Admin Site.
  • 📈 Park Education: Learn about Campspot's latest developments, feature releases, and best practices to optimize your park's performance.
  • 🚀 Marketing Opportunities: Stay updated on marketing initiatives, promotions, and partnership opportunities to enhance your park's visibility and reach.
  • 📣 Direct Communications: Receive important announcements, updates, and notifications directly from Campspot, ensuring you're always informed about platform changes and policy updates.

By marking Campspot emails as spam, you risk missing out on crucial information that can impact your park's operations, growth, and success. To maintain seamless communication and stay connected with Campspot's latest updates and offerings, refrain from marking Campspot emails as spam.

Thank you for your cooperation in safeguarding communication channels and staying informed about all things Campspot.