How To: Use a Miscellaneous Charge to setup a manual, refundable deposit
Learn how to use a Miscellaneous Charge to manually add a refundable deposit to a reservation.
Explore the process of setting up and utilizing Miscellaneous Charges as manual, refundable deposits for services such as equipment rentals in your park.
This guide is beneficial when you want to manually apply a refundable deposit to a reservation invoice, particularly suitable for charges like equipment rentals. This deposit type is expected to be refundable.
By applying Miscellaneous Charge as a deposit type, the deposit:
- Manually added to confirmed reservations
- Can be used for future reservations or paid towards balance
- Must be voided from invoice before check-out - alert/reminder provided at check-out
- Remains on reservation upon cancellation and must be removed separately
New to Deposits in Campspot? Check out these articles as well:
Use Reservation Surcharge as an additional, automated deposit
Use Payment Policy to apply a deposit to confirm reservation
Step 1: Navigate to Accounting
Using the primary navigation button, click on Campground Setup
Click on the Accounting tab
Click on Miscellaneous Charges tab
Step 2: Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Deposit:
- Follow the detailed steps in the Miscellaneous Charge setup guide. The remainder of this article focuses specifically on using the Miscellaneous Charge as a deposit.
- When creating a deposit using this method, consider mapping it to specific Financial Accounts, determining revenue realization, adding taxes, and marking it as a deposit.
In the clip below, a deposit is being created as Miscellaneous Charge. The box indicating that the charge is a deposit is checked so that it will function differently than other charges.
Step 3: Applying Miscellaneous Charge Deposits
Deposits setup as Miscellaneous Charges must be manually added to confirmed reservations. To do this:- Navigate to the Reservation Summary
- Click on Billing
- Scroll down to Invoice Details
- Click + Add New Charge, found in green at the bottom of the Invoice Details.
Customize Your Deposits: The three green dots next to the deposit price indicate that it can be manually edited directly from the invoice. This gives your park the ability to increase or decrease the cost of the charge on a case by case basis.
Step 4: Using or Refunding Miscellaneous Charge Deposits
- Void the deposit at the end of the stay, creating an overpayment (prompting a refund) or paying towards the outstanding balance.
The funds from a Miscellaneous Charge Deposit must be voided at the end of the stay.
The clip below shows an example of the deposit being voided and the $200 for the voided deposit being used towards the balance.
Most Common FAQ:
Q: How do I void a deposit at the end of a stay?
Voiding the deposit can be done through the Reservation Summary > Billing > Invoice Details. This action will handle overpayments or contribute to the outstanding balance.
Q: Can the deposit amount be adjusted on a case-by-case basis?
Yes, deposits set up as Miscellaneous Charges allow manual editing directly from the invoice, providing flexibility in adjusting the charge based on specific cases.
Q: Is there an alert or reminder to void the deposit before check-out?
Yes, an alert/reminder is provided at check-out, prompting the user to void the deposit from the invoice.