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Wild Energy Meter Reading: How to Add New Utility Type

Learn more about Adding a New Utility Type into your Admin Site Utility Metering setup for Wild Energy.


Adding a Utility Type is a crucial step in configuring the Wild Energy meter reading setup. This process allows you to define specific parameters for your meter reading strategy, ensuring accurate utility usage tracking. This article provides more detail on the form you will be prompted to complete when adding a Utility Type and provides a breakdown of the form elements involved in the configuration.

Wild Energy

Adding a Utility Type:

As part of the setup for Wild Energy Meter Reading, you will Add a Utility Type. This further defines the specific requirements of your meter reading strategy.

Step 1: Go to Utility Types page

  1. Navigate to Utility Metering
  2. Click on Utility Types tab

Step 2: Add New Utility Type

  1. Click on Add Utility Type button
  2. Complete the form
  3. Click Add Utility to complete process

For clarification on each section of the form, check out the chart following the form.

Wild Energy_ Utility Type Form

Utility Name

Assign a guest-facing name to this Utility Type

For example: Metered Electric (WE)

Reading / Entry Type Select Wild Energy
Utility Category Select either Electric or Water
Unit of Measurement

Specify how you plan to charge for the utility usage. Typically:

  • Electric = kWh
  • Water = Gallons
Rate Type

Choose between a flat rate or a tiered rate structure to suit your utility billing method.

(learn more about tiered rates here

Default Rate (per unit) Define the standard rate for the utility type.
Financial Account Set the destination for fees to be posted, facilitating your financial reporting.
Fees & Taxes The options found in this field are pre-populated based on your Utility Fees and Utility Taxes setup.
Auto Pull Frequency

Select one of the following:

  • None: Readings will not automatically be pulled. Manual pulling is available.
  • First of month: Auto pull readings for all sites with active meters on the first day of each month.
  • Last of Month: Auto pull readings for all sites with active meters on the last day of each month.
  • Other: Auto pull readings for all sites with active meters on the specific day of the month.
  • Check in and check out: Occur based on the reservation start and end dates and the check in and out times configured in your system (click here for more details).
Auto Pull Schedule Select which of the selections applies to your strategy or use "Other" to define your preferred schedule.
Auto Pull Override Override and Skip Utility Meter reading pulls based on the duration of a reservation.

Most Common FAQ:

Q: Will this work for both long-term and short-term guests given the auto-pull feature?

Yes! If a site is available for both long-term and short-term reservations this setup uses a few different parameters to prompt a meter reading:

  1. Auto Pull Frequency/ Auto Pull Schedule - this setting will define how often or at what frequency to automatically pull the reading.
  2. Check In / Check Out - this setting will prompt the system to pull a reading based on the check in and check out dates of the reservation.

For example, if you have a guest checking in to a site tomorrow, checking out in a few days and another guest checking in right after the previous guest for 6 months, these parameters will ensure the readings are pulled correctly for both types of reservations.

Q: Can I still manually adjust the readings?

To ensure system accuracy, the only part of the reading pulled is the charge for the reading. The actual charge is not able to be adjusted.