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Housekeeping Task List Setup: What's on the page?

Discover how to utilize the Housekeeping Task List setup page to manage your park's tasks.


Campspot's Task List Setup feature empowers campground administrators to define and organize essential housekeeping tasks. By customizing task lists to fit the unique needs of their park, users ensure consistent standards and guest satisfaction. This article provides a guide to setting up task lists, outlining the significance of defining tasks and offering examples to inspire the creation of your own Task Lists.

Task List Setup

The Task List Setup page within your Admin Site empowers you to outline the essential tasks necessary for housekeeping operations.

04 Task List Setup

This page serves as the pivotal starting point for configuring your housekeeping feature. Here, you establish sets of subtasks essential for ensuring the readiness of your accommodations. Once the Lists are setup, they will be assigned to Sites and will play an active role in managing the status of your sites.

Why It Matters: Defining Tasks

Consider the diverse needs of your sites, such as RV and Lodging sites. Each entails distinct prerequisites before guest arrival. By defining tasks meticulously, you ensure consistent standards and guest satisfaction.

The Task List is made up of a handful of sub-tasks that must be completed before the unit status is updated.

For example, assume you have an RV site and a Lodging site, the tasks required for each may be:

  • RV Site Pre-Arrival: Sweep Site, Clean out firepit, Check for trash, Spray weed killer, reset furniture.
  • Lodging Site Pre-Arrival (Outside unit): Clean firepit, Sweep patio, Empty trash bins, Clean & reset patio furniture, blow off parking area.
  • Lodging Site Post-departure (Inside Unit): Dust surfaces, wipe down countertops, clean and sanitize kitchen, vacuum/mop floors, remove trash, replace linens, make bed(s), Final Inspection

Creating Task Lists

As this feature is fully customizable to fit the needs of your park, you have the flexibility to define task lists outlining the expectations for completing each task. Click here to learn:

Housekeeping Status

Track the progress of tasks effortlessly as your staff completes them. Your Admin Site dynamically updates the status of units based on task completion, ensuring a streamlined workflow.

Learn more! Check out this resource to learn more:

User Management

Ensure smooth access control by defining user permissions effectively. Tailor access levels for users, supervisors, and managers within your Admin Site, allowing precise management of housekeeping tasks.

HSKP User Management