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Report Overview: Invoice Payment by Type

This article will show you how to best interpret and use the information provided on the Invoice Payment by Type Report.

Invoice Payment by Type Report Overview

This report lists all payments taken over a specified date range, categorized by type. It serves as a detailed version of the Total Payments Received report. Positive transactions indicate payments, while negative transactions indicate refunds.

Some of the information in this report includes:

  • System Type (Defines the Campspot system type like POS System, Reservation System, etc.)
  • Payment Type
  • Credit Card Information (Including Card Type, last 4 digits on card, etc.)
  • Transaction Information (Including Invoice #, Receipt #, Amount charged, Date of purchase)
  • Guest Information
  • Reservation Information
  • User Information

Accessing Report

  1. Navigate to the Reporting page within your Admin Site.
  2. Search for Invoice Payment by Type.
  3. Click Run Report.

Invoice Payment by Type

Download Options

This report is available in both PDF and CSV formats, offering flexibility in data manipulation and presentation. The PDF format is tailored for printing, providing essential information in a concise, printer-friendly layout.

Common Report Uses 

  • Match the total for a specified date range with deposits into your bank account for the same dates. 
  • Balance your cash drawer at the end of the day. 
  • Keep track of how much money you've taken in over a specified date range. 
  • Locate a certain payment transaction. 
  • View a breakdown of the Total Payments Received report. 

Supplemental Resources 

  • Total Payments Received
  • Payments by User 
  • Payments by User and Date 
  • Journal Entry report - total of payments taken should match for the same date range. 

Common Report Questions:

Q: Why do I see so many Internal Transfer transactions on this report when we did not complete this many? 

If you have reservations using Recurring Billing, the Transfer Internal transactions indicate money being moved to individual invoices on the reservation. These transactions do not indicate additional payments happening.

For example: if a guest pays $1000 towards their longterm reservation using Recurring Billing, the money will be allocated across the invoices there. The system will show that as Internal Transfer payments towards the individual invoices. This can also happen if no payment is taken but you change a reservation from a single invoice to Recurring Billing.

To learn more about Recurring Billing visit this article

Note: The sum of all Internal Transfer payments should be equal to $0. If this does not equal $0, that is an indication that Internal Transfer was selected as a payment method when processing a new payment. 

Q: What does a P with a dash and a string of numbers mean under the Internal Transfer section of this report? 

Under the Invoice Number category for Internal Transfers, you will see "P-" followed by a string of numbers. This number is the guest's User Credit account number, used internally by Campspot, and is not something you need to reference.

Q: Why doesn't the Credit Card payments total on my Total Payments Received report match with the amount deposited in my bank account from the Card Processor for the same date range?

The amount deposited in your bank account from the credit card processor should match the amount of credit card sales from your Total Payments Received report for the same date range. One common reason these may not match is if your credit card batch time is not at midnight. If your credit card batch time is earlier than midnight and you had payments come in after the batch time, those payments would not be deposited with that same day. This article walks you through how to check and update your batch time.