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How to: Edit Financial Accounts

Learn how to edit and/or inactivate your park's Financial Accounts.


Financial account mapping in Campspot is essential for organizing assets, liabilities, and revenue, ensuring accurate financial reporting. This guide provides insights into managing custom accounts, covering both editing and inactivating them as needed. Understanding these steps empowers you to meet your park's specific financial reporting requirements.

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Managing Financial Accounts

From the Accounting page of Campground setup, you will find your parks Active and Inactive Financial Accounts. In this article you will discover how to:

  1. Edit Existing Financial Accounts
  2. Deactivate / Reactive Financial Accounts
  3. Troubleshoot an Error when attempting to Deactivate an Account

Editing Financial Accounts 

To edit an existing Financial Account, follow these steps:

  1. Click the checkbox next to the Account ID
  2. Click the Edit button that appears near the top right side of the screenEdit Financial Account
  3. Make changes.
  4. Click Save Changes when finished. 

Please Note:

  1. Account types: Cannot be edited after the initial setup. To change the Account type, deactivate the current account and create a new one with the correct type.
  2. Account ID: IDs must be unique; change the old Account ID before deactivating it. As a best practice, it is recommended to use Account IDs matching your Accounting Software Chart of Accounts (if applicable).

Inactivating Financial Accounts

Financial accounts cannot be deleted, but they can be rendered inactive. To deactivate a financial account, it must not be in use. This means that all charges, payment methods, system accounts, and POS categories must be removed or unmapped from the financial account before deactivation.

To inactivate an account, follow these instructions:

  1. Click the checkbox next to the Account ID
  2. Click the Deactivate button that appears near the top right side of the screenDeactivate Financial Account

Please note:

Inactive account IDs cannot be reused for active accounts. If you wish to use an account ID that is currently attached to an inactive account, you will need to edit the inactive account ID. This can be as straightforward as adding a prefix, such as "X", to the ID.

Inactive Accounts

Once an account is updated to an Inactive status, the account information is moved below the list of Active accounts to an Inactive Accounts list.

From here, you can easily update the account to an Active status again. To Activate an Inactive Account, follow these instructions:

  1. Click the checkbox next to the Account ID
  2. Click the Activate button that appears near the top right side of the screen


Troubleshooting: Inactive Account Error

If you encounter an error when attempting to change the status of an active Financial Account, it indicates other parts of Campspot the account is mapped to. To resolve this:

  • Re-map the accounts listed on the error.
  • Once complete, you can proceed with inactivating the account.

Inactive Error

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