Report Overview: Rate Override Report
Gain insights into reservations with rate adjustments and track custom pricing changes efficiently.
Rate Override Report Overview
The Rate Override report is a tool designed to track invoice charges that have undergone rate overrides or manual edits. Accessible to users with the Invoices reporting permission, this report provides valuable insights into rate compliance and helps mitigate revenue loss by identifying potential discounting abuse. This report displays both the original unedited rate and the current edited rate, along with timestamps indicating when the edit occurred and the user responsible as well as the following data:
- Park ID
- Park Name
- Modified Date
- Invoice Number
- Charge Type
- Item Title
- Original Amount
- Custom Amount
- Date Item Applies
- Modified by User
Accessing the Report:
- Navigate to the Reporting page within your Admin Site.
- Search for Rate Override.
- Select a From and To date range (date of the rate modification).
- Click Run Report.
Download Options:
This report is available in a CSV format, offering flexibility in data manipulation and presentation. Once downloaded, this report can be uploaded into a spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, etc.
Common Report Uses:
- Review Rate Compliance: Easily monitor custom rates applied across a specified date range to ensure adherence to pricing policies.
- Identify Discounting Abuse: Detect instances of unauthorized rate adjustments by staff members.
- Measure Revenue Impact: Analyze the financial implications of custom rates and rate overrides to make informed decisions regarding pricing strategies.
- Facilitate Managerial Oversight: Empower park managers, revenue managers, and owners to oversee rate management practices and maintain revenue integrity.