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Inex Tech Gate Access: Setup & FAQ

Learn more about Campspot's Integration with Inex Tech's IZCloud: A Seamless Solution for Access Management


Campspot's integration with Inex Tech's IZCloud empowers facility administrators to efficiently manage visitors, control access and parking, and enforce entrance and parking rules. The collaboration utilizes license plates as a secure means of driver identification, enhancing property security and guest experience.



  • Manage visitors and control access to your property seamlessly.
  • Enforce parking rules efficiently using license plates for identification.
  • Enhance security measures for your facility with the integration of IZCloud.

If you have already purchased your Inex Tech equipment and are ready to complete the integration, follow the steps below:

Get started today! Reach out to Inex Tech by visiting their site found here.

Also check out these documents from Inex Tech:

Integration Instructions:

Step 1: Add New Reservation Information fields into your Campspot Admin Site

Begin the integration process by adding essential reservation information fields to your Campspot Admin Site. These fields will be required of your guest to answer so the correct information can be captured and securely shared with Inex Tech's IZCloud.

  1. Navigate to Campground Setup
  2. Click on the Properties tab
  3. Select Forms Lists
  4. Find Additional Reservation Information
  5. Click Add Item
  6. Add the following 2 fields:

Field 1: License Plate Number

License Plate Number

Field 2: License Plate State

License Plate State

Step 2: Schedule Campspot Analytics report to share data with IZCloud

With the data collected in step 1, the second step is setting up a report in Campspot Analytics to share data with IZCloud.

  1. Log in to Campspot Analytics
  2. Find the Inex Gate Report here
  3. Click on the cog wheel in the top right-hand corner of the screen (image below)Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 2.33.36 PM
  4. Click Schedule from the drop-down menu
  5. Complete the form. The screenshots below will provide you more detail on the form. For ease of readability, the form has been sectioned into 3rds.

Top of Form

Inex Form 1

Give your schedule a name Leave default name unchanged. 
Where should this data go? Select SFTP
SFTP Details


User Name:


SFTP Details:

These credentials are unique to your park. Inex Tech will provide this information to you. Campspot does not have access to this information on your behalf.

Middle of Form

Inex Form 2

Format data as Select JSON - Simple
Trigger Select Repeating Interval
Deliver this schedule


Send Every: 1 Hour min past the hour between 1 AM and 12 AM

Bottom of Form

Inex Form 3

Advanced Options
Send this schedule if

Select there are results

and results changed since last run (check this box)


Select Results in table

Additional Resources:


Q: What if my guest does not provide their license plate information?

Communicate the entry process to guests; entrance may be limited without license plate information.

Q: What about after hour, same day arrivals?

Ensure the scheduled report is set as recommended; information will be shared with IZCloud with a 2-hour gap.

Q: What if guests have multiple vehicles?

The integrated report supports one vehicle's information - this is part of the automated process mentioned earlier. For additional vehicles, Inex Tech can provide details on the process of manually entering additional vehicle information and visitor info into their system.