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How To: Check Out a Reservation

Learn the process of checking out a reservation in Campspot.


Learn how to complete the Check-Out process for single and multiple reservations, ensuring a smooth guest departure experience. This guide covers handling outstanding balances, performing Check-Outs efficiently, and key best practices to make the process seamless.

Completing Check-Outs

Checking out a reservation is an essential part of ensuring a guest’s departure is properly logged and all accounts are settled. Whether you’re managing a single guest’s departure or handling multiple Check-Outs during busy periods, this guide will help you navigate the process efficiently.

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Handling Outstanding Balances

Before a reservation can be checked out, any outstanding balances must be resolved. Reservations with balances will be highlighted in red on the Departures list, and the system will not allow Check-Out until these balances are settled.

Steps to Handle Outstanding Balances

  1. Identify Outstanding Balances: Look for red-highlighted reservations in the Departures list.
  2. Resolve Balances: Open the Billing tab in the Reservation Summary and process any payments or refunds as needed.
  3. Confirm a Zero Balance: Ensure the reservation balance shows $0 before proceeding with Check-Out.

Special Note: Refunds & User Credit

  • If a guest is owed money (indicated by a purple balance stripe), the reservation can still be checked out. However, you should process refunds manually before the end of the day to avoid confusion or automatic transfer into the guest's User Credit account.
  • Use the Guest User Credit/Camp Credit Report regularly to review and resolve outstanding credits.
  • Click here to learn more about Campspot's Credit Accounts: User Credit & Camp Credit.

Check Out: Single Reservation

There are two methods for checking out a single reservation - from: the Departures List or from the Reservation Summary.

Method 1: Departures List

  1. Navigate to the Departures list under the Front Desk tab.
  2. Check the box next to the reservation to be checked out.
  3. Click the Check Out button at the top of the Departures grid.
  4. Once completed, the reservation status will update to Checked Out, and it will move to the bottom of the Departures list with its color changed to light grey.

Single Res - FD Departures - Check Out

Method 2: Reservation Summary

  1. Open the Reservation Summary by clicking the Reservation Confirmation #.
  2. In the Reservation Items grid, check the box next to the site(s) being checked out.
  3. Click the Check Out button above the grid.
  4. The reservation status will change to Checked Out, and it will move to the bottom of the Departures list.

Single Res - Res Summary - Check Out

Check Out: Multiple Reservations

To save time during busy periods, you can check out multiple reservations at once.

Steps to Check Out Multiple Reservations

  1. Navigate to the Departures list under the Front Desk tab.
  2. Select multiple reservations by checking their boxes, or use the checkbox at the top-left to select all.
  3. Click the Check Out button.
  4. All reservations without balances will be checked out and moved to the bottom of the Departures list, with their color changed to light grey.


Double-check your selections carefully, as checking out multiple reservations cannot be undone.

Multiple Res - Check Out

Best Practices for Check-Out

To ensure a smooth departure process, consider the following tips:

  • Review Reservation Details: Confirm balances, outstanding items, and guest notes before completing the Check-Out.
  • Use the Departures Report: Generate and review this report daily to plan for departures and identify potential issues.
  • Resolve Balances in Advance: Encourage guests to settle balances during Check-In or the night before departure to avoid delays.
  • Take Your Time