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How to: Assign Add-ons During Check-In

Learn how to efficiently assign unit-based Daily Add-ons, like Golf Carts, during Check-In to ensure accurate tracking and a seamless guest experience.


This article will guide you through the process of assigning unit-based Daily Add-ons, such as Golf Carts, during Check-In. It outlines two methods—through the Reservation Summary and the Front Desk: Arrivals List—and includes important considerations to ensure a smooth process.

Effortless Check-In for Add-ons

When a guest arrives for Check-In and their reservation includes a Daily Add-on that requires a specific unit assignment—such as a Golf Cart—you'll need to assign a unit during the Check-In process. This ensures accurate tracking for your operations team on assigned add-ons, allowing them to monitor who has what, when it was taken out, and when it’s due back.

How Daily Add-ons Impact Reservations

  • Add-ons function as separate reservation items when added to a reservation. Add-ons requiring a Check-In and Check-Out date (e.g., Golf Carts) have functionality more similar to a site than an Online Store Add-on.
  • Because of this, reservations with Add-ons are treated as Multi-Site Reservations, even if there is only one camping site in the booking.
  • This allows greater flexibility in managing reservations that include both sites and additional ancillary items.

You can complete the Check-In process using either of the following methods:

  1. Reservation Summary – Checking in an add-on individually or alongside the site.
  2. Front Desk: Arrivals list – Checking in all reservation items at once.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Check In from the Reservation Summary

  1. Find the Reservation Items list in the Reservation Summary.
  2. Select the add-on to be checked in.
    1. You can also select the site if both are being checked in together.
  3. Click the Check In button, now visible above the grid.
  4. In the pop-up menu, assign a unit to the Add-on.
    Add-On - Assign Unit
  5. Click Assign and Check In to complete the process.

🖥️ Example Screen Recording (Audio-free): The example below demonstrates how only the Add-on is checked in separately. While Add-ons typically must fall within the site’s Check-In and Check-Out dates, some may allow "early" Check-In if the rules permit - so if a guest would like to start using a Golf Cart prior to being able to check in to their site, the system allows you to do this, but only if the Check In day is equal to or within the Site's Check In and Check Out dates.

Add-On - Check In & Assign

Check In from the Front Desk: Arrivals List

If the reservation is ready for Check-In (i.e., balance paid, Terms & Conditions accepted, and matching dates between the site and Add-on), you can check in all reservation items at once:

  1. Find the reservation in the Arrivals list.
  2. Select the reservation.
  3. Click the Check In button at the top of the list.
  4. In the pop-up menu, assign a unit to the Add-on.
    Add-On - Assign Unit pop-up
  5. Click Assign and Check In to complete the process.

🖥️ Example Screen Recording (Audio-free): The example below shows both the site and Add-on being checked in together.

Add-On - Check In & Assign from FD tab

Important Notes:

Reservation Timing Matters

  • If the Add-on Check-In date differs from the site’s, you can only check in reservation items scheduled for that day. The Add-on must be checked in on its scheduled date.

Steps May Vary

  • The process may differ slightly based on payment status, Terms & Conditions acceptance, and matching dates. If any of these conditions are not met, additional steps may be required before completing Check-In.