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How to: Add a New POS Location

Learn how to use the POS Location feature to define your park's POS needs by physical location.


Effortlessly enhance your Campspot POS Storefront by adding and organizing POS locations within your park. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for efficiently setting up and defining locations to tailor your Point of Sale needs.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Navigate to the Locations page

  1. Using the main navigation, click on Point of Sale
  2. Click on the Admin tab
  3. Select the Locations page

Step 2: Add Location

  1. Click on the green Add Location button
  2. Define the Location Name
  3. Select Location Type
  4. Click Add Location to complete the process

Add New Location

Edit Locations

To edit a location, simply click the location from the list and make any desired updates to the Location Name or Location Type. Click "Save Changes" to complete the update.

Additional Resources: