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Google Analytics 4 (GA4) tracking on your online booking page (manual GTM installation)

Track visitor behavior, demographics, purchases, and more using Google's newest analytics tool.


Please note: At this time, Google Analytics 4 can only be installed on your booking page using Campspot's integration with Google Tag Manager.


This article specifically assists with manually building Campspot's recommended installation. If you would like to import this configuration please click here

Prior to GA4 booking page setup:

  1. Install Google Tag Manager on your online booking pages
  2. Create a Google Analytics 4 account (if not already done)
  3. For best results: Follow Google's instructions to install the same Google Analytics 4 account code on your website. Setting up your website and Campspot page as data streams under the same GA4 account will allow you to track users across both pages and view all analytics data in one place.


Recommended Installation

The steps below will walk you through how to create the following items. If you would like a page-by-page walkthrough, click here.

  • Your GA4 configuration tag, used for placing standard tracking and 
  • A page view tracking tag, allowing you to see behavioral metrics of how many views each page of your website and Campspot booking page are receiving
  • A purchase tracking tag, allowing you to see e-commerce metrics (amount of the purchase, items purchased, taxes, etc.) of reservations made on your booking site, and corresponding metrics of where the traffic that led to those reservations came from.

Installation tip: Google's implementation is highly dependent on case and format - in order to ensure correct installation, make sure that capitalization or special characters (underscores, dashes, etc.) match the instructions below. 

  1. In Google Tag Manager, create a new Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration tag.
    1. From the Workspace tab of your Google Tag Manager account select New Tag and then Tag Configuration and then Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration
    2. Copy and paste your GA4 Measurement ID into the Measurement ID field
    3. Make sure the checkbox for Send a page view event when this configuration loads is unchecked
      1. If this box is left checked, pageview events will be tracked on every URL change, which occurs for every filter change/RV length digit entered during the site search process, causing traffic to look inflated. By unchecking this, Google will pick up on the manually fired page view events Campspot sends on respective "pages" of the booking workflow and those will be able to be categorized in GA4 reporting.
    4. Select the Triggering section
    5. Select All Pages
    6. Name and save the tag
  2. In Google Tag Manager create a Google Analytics: GA4 Event tag to track Campspot page views
    1. From the Workspace tab of your Google Tag Manager account, select New Tag and then Tag Configuration and then Google Analytics: GA4 Event
    2. In the Configuration Tag dropdown, select the GA4 configuration tag that was built in step 1
    3. Type page_view
    4. Click to open the Event Parameters dropdown, and click Add Row
    5. Type page_title in the Parameter Name field
    6. In the Value field Click the icon
    7. Click the + button in the upper right corner to create a new variable
    8. Select Variable Configuration
    9. Select Data Layer Variable
    10. Type campspotPage in the Data Layer Variable Name field
    11. Name and save the new variable
    12. Back on the Tag Configuration screen, select the Triggering section
    13. Select the + button in the upper right corner to create a new trigger
    14. Select Trigger Configuration
    15. Select All Pages
    16. Name and save the tag
  3. In Google Tag Manager, create a Google Analytics: GA4 Event tag to track your purchase events
    1. From the Workspace tab of your Google Tag Manager account select New Tag and then Tag Configuration and then Google Analytics: GA4 Event
    2. In the Configuration Tag dropdown, select the GA4 configuration tag that was built in step 1
    3. Type purchase into the Event Name field
    4. Click to open the Event Parameters dropdown, and click Add Row
    5. Type currency into the Parameter Name field, and either USD or CAD into the Value field based on your park's location in the US or Canada.
    6. Click to open the More Settings dropdown and then the Ecommerce dropdown
    7. Select the Send Ecommerce data checkbox
    8. Select the Triggering section
    9. Select the + button in the upper right corner to create a new trigger
    10. Select Trigger Configuration
    11. Select Custom Event
    12. Type purchase into the Event name field
    13. Select Some custom events
    14. In the Fire this trigger when an Event occurs and all of these conditions are true section, change the fields to Event > equals > purchase
    15. Name and save the trigger
    16. Name and save the tag
  4. Publish the new tags
    1. From the Workspace tab of your Google Tag Manager account click the Submit button 
    2. Add a name and description that will help you remember what you published
    3. Click Publish
  5. In your Google Analytics 4 account turn off Page view detection on browser history changes. Campspot manually fires page view events to be tracked on applicable pages, so this setting duplicates the number of page views being registered.
    1. From the home screen of your GA4 account, select Admin
    2. Under the Property column, select Data Streams
    3. Select the data stream that represents your Campspot booking page 
    4. Select Configure tag settings
    5. Select Manage automatic event detection
    6. Uncheck the box for Page views on browser history change
    7. Save your settings
  6. Configure cross-domain measurement (requires step 3 of the Prior to GA4/Tag Manager setup section above). This allows web activity to be accurately attributed to a single user between your website and your Campspot online booking page, and allows for accurate marketing attribution.
    1. From the home screen of your GA4 account, select Admin
    2. Under the Property column, select Data Streams
    3. Select a data stream - either your website or your Campspot booking page. 
    4. Select Configure tag settings
    5. Select Configure your domains
    6. In the Configuration box, add two conditions
      1. For the first condition, select Contains in the first box, and type in to the second.
      2. For the second condition, select Contains in the first box, and type your website URL into the second.
    7. Save the configuration


Please note: In our testing of GA4, we've found that data (outside of real-time activity) can take between 12-24 hours to show up in reports. Upon completing the installation above, it is recommended that you check the account the next day to verify that data is populating in your GA4 account.


Walkthrough Tutorials

Steps 1-4 (Google Tag Manager section)

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Steps 5-6 (Google Analytics 4 section)


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