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Campspot Analytics Dashboard - Operations Summary

This article contains a summary of the Operations Summary Dashboard as well as frequently asked questions for this Dashboard.

Dashboard: Operations Summary 


This dashboard provides an Operations Summary in order to better understand what is happening at your park daily. Some of the key highlights of this dashboard are as follows:

  • Only the current day and some data on yesterday can be viewed. There is no filter available to change dates. 
  • This report allows staff to easily see how many arrivals and departures are expected for the day. 
  • The number of room nights and site are on the daily list as well as any discount applied to the reservations and the reservations' ADR. 
  • This report allows staff to easily see how Daily Add-ons reservations are expected for the day.
  • This report allows staff to easily see all charges and payments across all reservations for the day.
  • The images below show an example of this Dashboard: 

Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 17.04.21

Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 17.04.29

Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 17.04.44

Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 17.04.51

Operations Summary Dashboard FAQ: 

Q: What is the difference between the Charges section and the Payments section? 

A: Charges indicate any charges that have been added to invoices for the day and Payments indicate any payments that have been received for the day. Many times charges are not paid on the day they are added to invoice so these sections should not be expected to match. 

Q: Are refunds shown in the Payments section? 

A: Refunds will show up as negative transactions in the Payments section. If an invoice has both a payment and refund on it for the day it will only show the payment but the refund will be included in the final amount. For example, if a guest paid $100 and then your park refunded them $30 the same day, the payment amount would show as $70. 

Q: Is this data updated in real time? 

A: No. The data on this Dashboard is updated daily at 10am ET which is the same time that all Dashboards update.