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Campspot Analytics Dashboard - Campspot Value

This article contains a summary of the Campspot Value Dashboard as well as frequently asked questions for this Dashboard.

Dashboard: Campspot Value 


This dashboard provides insight into how using Campspot's unique features have had a positive impact and generated revenue for your campground over the past year.  

The Unique Campspot Features Status at the top shows which of the features are currently Active or Inactive at your park. If one or more of the features is marked as Inactive but you still see data for that feature on the dashboard, it may indicate that you used the feature at some point within the past year. 

If you would like to learn more about the revenue generating features featured on the dashboard and begin using them, we have support articles below to assist you: 

The images below show an example of this dashboard: 

Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 16.57.48

Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 16.58.06

Campspot Value Dashboard FAQ: 

Q: How is the incremental revenue from the Dynamic Pricing Rule calculated? 

A: To calculate this revenue our system looks at the original base price before applying any Dynamic Pricing Rule and compares it to the final price sold. This dashboard only showcases incremental revenue and excludes any Dynamic Pricing Rule made to a decrease a price. 

Q: How is the revenue from Grid Optimization calculated? 

A: This number only includes revenue and reservations that have been made possible for the exact space created on your grid. The system also only considers reservations that have been made in the 24 hours following a successful grid optimization. This means that the true value of the Grid Optimization feature is likely higher than what is displayed.

Q: Why do you suggest that parks with a Lock Site Fee higher than $30 have more success?
A: Based on the averages in our data, a Lock Site Fee over $30 often leads to less guests opting to lock their sites, but revenues stay roughly the same as those that have lower lock site fees.

Q: What reservation source is included under the Marketplace section?
A: Any reservations coming directly from or our mobile app available on iOS and Android