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How to: Add a New Category to POS

Learn how to effortlessly enhance your Campspot POS by adding categories for streamlined product organization. Follow these step-by-step instructions for a seamless setup.


Effortlessly enhance your Campspot POS by adding categories to streamline product organization. Follow these step-by-step instructions for a seamless setup.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Navigate to the Categories page

  • Navigate to the Point of Sale.
  • Click on the Admin tab.
  • Click on the Categories page.

Admin_Category Page

Step 2: Create Category

  1. Click the Add Category button.
  2. Complete the Category form by defining:
    • Display Name: Enter the name of the category (e.g., Candy).
    • Color: Choose a color to visually identify the category.
    • Associated Financial Account: Select the financial account for money generated by the category's item sales.Admin_Category_Add Categroy
  3. Click Save to create the category.

Note: A category must be created before it can be assigned to a POS product.

Edit Categories

To edit a category, simply click the category from the list and make any desired updates to the form. Click "Save Changes" to complete the update.

Additional Resources: