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How To: Validate Invoice Line Items

Learn which reports you can use to validate line items on your Campspot Invoice.

For more information on your monthly invoice, check out this article:

Understanding Your Campspot Invoice

On your Campspot invoice, you may notice multiple line items. Below, we've provided a breakdown of these items and the reports you can use to validate them on your monthly Campspot Invoice:

  1. Offline & Online Reservations
  2. Extended Stay Reservations
  3. Marketplace Bookings
  4. Marketplace Cancellation Credits

Offline & Online Reservations

These line items on your invoice are based on the quantity of bookings entered into your system in a single month. These are either:

  • Offline Reservations:  These are reservations entered into Campspot by you or your campground staff using your Admin Site.
  • Online Reservations: These are reservations booked by campers via your Direct Booking link on your campground’s website.

Validation Report

To find the number of reservations entered into your system, run the:

Reservation Item Originations by Date & Source report

In the report dialog menu, you will select the calendar month of the invoice (for example, July 2023 would be: from 07-01-2023 to 07-31-2023). Select Download Type: PDF.

The report will list all reservations entered for the date period selected along with entry methods:

  1. CSR: Offline / Admin Bookings
  3. ONLINE: Direct Online Bookings

At the bottom of the report, you will find your Offline and Online reservation origination totals for the time period.

Validation Process

Count the number of bookings of Online and Offline Bookings (also summarized at the end of the report)

Extended Stay Reservations

These reservations result in a per-reservation, per-month fee. You will incur an Extended Stay Reservation fee on a booking if both criteria are met:

  1. Reservation is 28+ days of the calendar month
  2. Reservation did not start in the calendar month

Validation Report

To see which of your long-term bookings incurred an Extend Stay Reservation fee, run the:

Rent Roll (Reporting Service) report

In the report dialog menu, you will select the calendar month of the invoice (for example, July 2023 would be: from 07-01-2023 to 07-31-2023) and an "as of date" of the end of the billing period (for example, 07-31-2023). Select Download Type: CSV.

This report includes a ton of great data, but for this validation, focus your efforts on column H: "Nights."

A couple notes to consider when validating these reservations:

  1. You are not billed for long-term stays that start in the invoicing month.

  2. You are only billed an Extended Stay fee for bookings that are greater than 28 days of the month.

Validation Process

Count the number of Extended Stay bookings in column H, considering the notes provided about billing conditions.

Marketplace Bookings

These reservations are booked in Campspot's Marketplace via or the Campspot mobile app.

Validation Report

To verify the dollar amount from bookings made through Marketplace, run the:

Marketplace Bookings report

In the report dialog menu, you will select the calendar month of the invoice (for example, July 2023 would be: from 07-01-2023 to 07-31-2023). This report will be downloaded as a CSV.

This report includes a ton of great data, but for this validation, focus your efforts on column H: "Invoice Charge Type." Filter this column to exclude "TAX" and "POS_ADDON_RESERVATION_TAX."

Validation Process

Calculate the Sum of column O "Amount" to verify your total Marketplace Booking Revenue for the month - excluding taxes. This should match your invoice's "Qty" column for this item.

Marketplace Cancellation Credits

Campspot will refund the 10% booking fee on any canceled Marketplace bookings, when the guest is refunded.

Validation Report

To verify the dollar amount of cancellations made on reservations originating from Marketplace, run the:

Marketplace Cancelations Report

In the report dialog menu, you will select the calendar month of the invoice (for example, July 2023 would be: from 07-01-2023 to 07-31-2023). This report will be downloaded as a CSV.

This report includes a ton of great data, but for this validation, focus your efforts on:

  • Invoice Number
  • Original Marketplace Fee
  • Refund Amount 

Validation Process

The sum of column G "Refund Amount" should match the Cancellation Credit amount on your invoice.