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Campspot Fundamentals: Site Management

Learn how to set up and manage your site inventory.


In this article, you will learn how to prepare for site changes by reviewing amenities and taxes, how to add or modify sites, and how to adjust your pricing and rules accordingly. There is a lot to know about managing your site inventory, and we want to make it an easy step by step process for you.

How does Campspot classify sites?

Site, Site Type, and Site Category

What is the difference between a Site Type and Site Category?

A group of sites is defined by a single Site Type. A Site Type defines what makes the group of sites alike based on amenities, location, pricing, etc. Site Types are very customizable.

Site Category classifies the Site Type as an RV, Lodging, Tent, or Other site. These Site Categories are set for you in Campspot and are not customizable.

Managing Sites in Campspot

There are so many things to consider when planning your sites. From amenities to taxes, pricing to reservation restrictions, and booking policies to optimizing bookings, Campspot has functionality to set you up for success.


To help keep you organized, use this checklist. You can use this checklist in the future as you update or create new Sites and Site Types.


The topics discussed in this article are (click on any of the topics below to skip ahead):

Prep work

Before adding or updating Sites or Site Types, start by verifying the list of existing amenities and audit taxes.


Amenities are attributes that define the unique qualities of one site or group of sites compared to another. This can be electrical amperage, utility availability, site features, appliances, and even location. Amenities will be assigned to a Site and/or Site Type in later steps, so it is important to update this list first to save yourself time.

Learn more about and how to setup Amenities,


When you first joined Campspot, your taxes were set up based on information provided at the time. Verify your taxes setup as you add new Sites or Site Types to ensure accuracy.

Learn more about Taxes.

Adding or Updating Sites & Site Types

With the prep work complete, learn more about how to set up or add Sites / Site Types.


Adding or Updating Sites

Change a Site to another Site Type

Site Types

Adding or Updating Site Types

Adding and Updating Site Type Photos

Setting Rates for Site Types

There are 2 different ways of pricing your Sites in Campspot: Daily (or transient) and Extended Stay (or long-term). 

Daily Rates / Base Pricing

Your Base Pricing setup is how you quantify the value of each night staying at your park at a Site Type level. A Base Price is required for active site types.

Managing Revenue

Update Base Pricing for Existing Site Types

Adding a NEW Site Type to existing Base Pricing

Extended Stay Rates

You can build extended stay or long-term rates by setting up a length of stay based package / promo pricing rule.

Length of Stay Based Rates

Utility Meter Reading

Additional Site Fees & Charges

Campspot enables you to define pricing further by assigning and pricing occupancy limits and adding additional automated charges.

Reservation Surcharges

A reservation surcharge rule can include a percentage-based or flat rate service charge to cover things like reservation processing. This rule will be automatically applied to all reservations meeting the parameters of the rule.

Learn more about Reservation Surcharges.

Reservation Surcharges are automated. To create a manual charge, consider a miscellaneous charge, refer to this article.

Occupancy Surcharges & Setup

Define occupancy levels and pricing for additional people and pets.

Set occupancy for people

Charge additional people fees

Set occupancy for pets

Charge pet fees

Set up Reservation Rules

Set up additional parameters required of your reservation process by creating or updating policies and restrictions.

Reservation Policies

Define the policies ensuring reservation integrity with deposits and cancellations.

Deposit Policy

Cancellation Policy

Reservation Restrictions

Use restrictions to quantify your reservations and sites.

Minimum Length of Stay

Maximum Length of Stay

Define Park Seasonality by using Resort Closed

Cannot be reserved online

Booking in Advanced Limits

Optimize Reservations

Leverage functionality to maximize your grid automatically.

Best & Preferred Site Functions

Automated Grid Optimization

Lock Site Function

Site Management Troubleshooting

Q: When creating or editing a reservation, I see a "No Sites Available." What does this mean? I know I have sites available.

Click here to learn more about this system message: New Reservation "No Sites Available" Message