
Mar 2023 - Campspot Analytics Explorer Demonstration

Introducing new capabilities in Campspot Analytics including the ability to create your own reports

The video below dives into:

  • [0:00] Why Explorer might be for you 
  • [6:00] Where to find Documentation
  • [7:00] Explaining the Park Data Explore
  • [10:30] How to Create a Report 
  • [15:55] How to Customize Visualizations
  • [17:30] How to Pivot by Campsite Category
  • [19:00] How to use Date Dimensions
  • [25:30] What is Explorer Kit?
  • [27:00] How to Create a Dashboard
  • [36:30] How to set up Dashboard-level filters
  • [46:00] How to Download or Schedule Send a Report
  • [51:00] How to use Dynamic Filters
  • [52:45] Occupancy, ADR, and RevPAR on the books
  • [57:30] Ad Hoc Reporting Explore [As of Date Time Machine]
  • [1:03:30] How to use Park Data Dimensions and Measures


Live Questions & Answers:

Q: Can I see pricing by day that includes dynamic pricing in Campspot Analytics?

No, Campspot Analytics does not surface live pricing.

Q: How far back does the data in Campspot Analytics go?

From the beginning of your account history.

Q: Can we design custom measures or dimensions?

It's possible but we'd love to hear what measures and dimensions you find missing so we can incorporate them for everyone.

Q: Can you set-up a dashboard to email daily to people without Campspot Analytics access?


Q: Can the reports be scheduled?


Q: How does the Ad Hoc Reporting 'time-machine' handle reservation modifications?

A daily snapshot is taken at the the end of each day showing the final state of all activity including reservation modifications for that day.

Q: Can you custom calculate occupancy rate to not count admin holds in the total active site count?

No. Admin holds are always counted as unoccupied for purposes of occupancy rate.

Q: Can you incorporate dimensions from external sources in Campspot Analytics?

No. Only data provided by Campspot can be used in Campspot Analytics. Currently this includes all reservation and payment data from Campspot platform but we may add data from external sources to provided better insights like driving distance, weather, customer site demand or comparative analytics, to name a few.