OTA & 3rd Party Booking Services
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Booking.com Integration: Setup Guide

Elevate Your Property's Lodging Site Type Reach and Reservation Efficiency with Booking.com Integration


This guide outlines the essential steps to seamlessly integrate Booking.com with Campspot, enhancing your property's online visibility and Lodging Site Type reservation process. Follow these steps diligently to optimize your integration experience.


  • Improve online visibility and reach a broader audience.
  • Streamline the reservation process for Lodging Site Types on Booking.com through Campspot.
  • Enhance the efficiency of managing reservations from different channels.

Integration Instructions:

1. Sign Up with Booking.com

  • Follow this link to sign up and list your property directly with Booking.com.
  • Carefully follow the step-by-step instructions here to build and list your property.

It is important that you visit that specific link to get started as the general sign up link with Booking.com will not apply for this integration.

Note: If your property is already listed on Booking.com, log in to the Booking.com Extranet and navigate to "How To Connect To A Channel Manager" for further instructions.

2. Retrieve Property Details:

  • After completing Booking.com requirements, access your Property ID, Room ID(s), and Rate Plan ID(s) within the Booking.com Extranet.
  • Each Site Type set up separately in Booking.com should have its own Room ID, necessary for the Campspot sign-up form.

3. Set Occupancy Min / Max Age Groups Rule:

For successful OTA integration, Site Types using the integration must not share an occupancy rule with non-integrated Site Types. However, multiple Lodging Site Types using the integration can share the same occupancy rule.

Occupancy Rule Requirements:

Each campsite type enabled for a distributor via DerbySoft must have:

  • Only one occupancy rule configured for that campsite type.
  • Exactly two variations within the occupancy rule:
    1. Max occupancy limit for Children (Age Category 1)
    2. Max occupancy limit for Adults (Age Category 2)
  • These occupancy categories must be mapped correctly to their corresponding Aggregator/Marketplace categories in Toolspot.

If occupancy rules are not configured exactly as required, no inventory will be returned for that campsite type on OTAs.

To learn about creating Occupancy Rules visit this page on our support site. 

4. Complete Campspot's Integration Form:

  • Fill out Campspot's Booking.com Integration sign-up form here.
  • Provide essential details, including Property ID, Room ID(s), and Rate Plan ID(s).

5. Activation and Reservation Start:

  • After form completion, the Campspot team will activate the integration within a few weeks (specific activation time to be determined).
  • Upon activation, start accepting new reservations made through Booking.com.

🚧 Special Note: OTA Booking Fee Rule Setup 🚧

We are currently facing some challenges with the implementation of OTA Fee Rules, impacting the seamless integration of fees across platforms. While we are actively working with our OTA partners to improve this feature, please review the notes below to ensure you are setup for success:


  • Status: OTA Fee Rules are not currently supported through integration, requiring manual fee setup within Booking.com.
  • Best Practice: To ensure pricing consistency, set up identical fees within both Campspot and Booking.com until integration becomes available.

Contact Information and Support

  • For Booking.com-related queries, contact your Booking.com representative (provided after completing sign-up).

Learn more! Check out the resource below for even more information!